What we do


The identity of your brand built from scratch. We create your own visual identification.


We build your web presence. Are you dreaming about your own website? We will make this dream come true.

E-Commerce / Online Shops

Do you need your own spot to sell  your products online? We will build your e-store from scratch and we will integrate it with Amazon and Ebay seemlessly! Our SEO/SEM specialists will then make sure people can find you.

IT Services

You already have your website or online shop? You need someone to take good care of it? Regular content updates, promotions, design and functionality enhancements, software upgrades is what we do.


A unitary telephony system for many offices and employees. Over 150 advanced functions that improve communication and productivity. Unique stability, quality and safety of the solution. Made in Germany.

Savings up to 50% in comparison to the traditional solutions

  1. Shortened internal numbering for all employees
  2. Integrated mobile app
  3. Scalability and flexibility for evolving companies
  4. Teleconferences and WWW conferences
  5. Flexible queues, redirections, groups
  6. CRM integration
  7. Double DC in Munchen ,
  8. Proffesional SLAs 24/7 in the whole Europe
  9. Excellent connection quality (HD)
  10. SRTP connection encription
  11. FREE connections inside of the company
  12. One, common, attractive connection tariff
  13. Charges only when you use your device
  14. Mobile App lowers the roaming costs

Those who trust us

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Apply for a free consult.

15 + 7 =


The prices shown here are for orientation only. A precise quote is part of the free consultation and may differ from the prices shown here.

Our team

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O certyfikatach słów kilka

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